January was the birth month for famous authors J.R.R. Tolkien, Carl Sandburg and Edgar Allan Poe. Some of their books are being featured at the Henryetta library.
According to Joann Hott, library director, on the shelves are Tolkien's Lord of the Ring Series;  The Hobbit; Roverandom;  Unfinished Tales; and The Tolkien Reader.

Sandburg's works include Always the Young Strangers;  Abraham Lincoln:  the War Years;  Abraham Lincoln:  the Prairie Years;  The American Songbag;  Breathing Tokens;  Complete Poems;  Honey and Salt; and Remembrance Rock.
Two of Poe's books, Tales of Suspense;  and Weird Tales are being featured.
"The library calendar highlights several special days in January," she said.
They include: January 12th ‚Äì National Clean Off Your Desk Day  (don't we all need to do that once in a while);  January 13th ‚Äì Poetry Break Day (take time to read a poem or two);  January 16th ‚Äì Appreciate a Dragon Day;  January 19th ‚Äì Martin Luther King, Jr. Day;  January 23rd ‚Äì National Handwriting Day;  January 29th ‚Äì National Puzzle Day;  January 31st ‚Äì Backward Day.