A proposal to issue business licenses was brought before the Henryetta city council Tuesday night.
“This would help the city know what businesses are coming to town,” said Jill Francis, a member of the Henryetta planning and zoning board. “Right now you can just put an open sign up and there is no accountability.”
Mayor Jennifer Munholand suggested she contact the Oklahoma Municipal League to see what other communities are doing.
“We don’t want to discourage new businesses,” Francis said.
Henryetta codes do have a provision covering licensing and businesses on several occupations.
In other business Tuesday, the council gave approval to start tearing down several derelict houses in town. Those houses were first abated in March but inspections had to be made to make sure there were no problems with asbestos or other hazardous materials.
City crews will start tearing them down within the next couple of weeks.
Along that line, councilor Jana Duggan asked if the old caretaker’s house at Nichols Park could be demolished. Christy Jeffcoat suggested putting in a trailer house and letting someone live there. That idea will be put on the agenda for the August meeting.
Council members approved paying Doug Wadley $9,359.98 covering 2.5 percent of the sales taxes paid by Shoney’s Restaurant from April 1 to June 30 of this year. That money will be reimbursed by the Henryetta Economic Development Authority.
Tabled for further investigation was an agreement with Slayton Resources on mineral rights on the Nichols Park property.
Operations of the Henryetta Senior Citizens Center by Project H.E.A.R.T. was approved for another year. The Shawnee-based business has been oeprating the center for several years.
“We want to say thanks to the Sanfords for their fireworks show Saturday.
There was music on the beach during the day with people swimming, operating remote control boats and having fun.
Munholland pointed out that people were jumping off the fishing dock and reminded everyone that is prohibited. She said numerous signs have been placed stating it is not allowed but, “people steal them and tear them down.” She urged anyone seeing people jumping off the dock, driving dangerously or drinking at the lake to contact the police at 918-652-3106.
The beach house cannot be reserved,” said Munholland. “The two shelter houses are the only ones that can be reserved.”
A form for shelter house reservation will be prepared and put on the city website for people to download and bing to city hall.
Bruce Jones said he is investigating adding some other downloadable forms to the website for various city operations. He will also be looking into adding a calendar that will tell when the shelter houses are reserved.