September 10 is the date set for Henryetta school district voters to make a decision on buying new buses.
Superintendent Dwayne Noble said the $980,000 bond issue will replace an aging and dangerous fleet with some of the busses over 20 years old.
“It is a safety thing,” he said. “We are sending kids out across the state on buses that we worry about them getting back home. Several times we have had a bus break down while the students are in another town. That means we had to get another bus out and go after them then tow the broken bus back.”
He went on to say the cost of repairing the fleet is getting cost prohibitive. “We are spending over $40,000 a year on repairs. It is like a used car, once you start fixing it, you have to keep on repairing other parts.
During the school year, some 800 students ride busses from home to school and back.
The bond issue will replace the existing suburban vans, eight route busses, two vans and a new activity bus.
Noble said the bond issue is for transportation only and is not expected to raise property taxes since the last bond issue is retiring.
During August, Noble said he will hold several public meetings to discuss the bond issue and answer any questions about it.