Serendipity: luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for. That was copied onto this page so you would know where we are headed. Many times (probably) all of you have said, “He/She/I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It happens, I suppose, to all of us. For you who still can read and understand newspapers know that in every edition there is an example of that.
However, (he says with a wide grin) the opposite is also true and it is wonderful when it does. OK, OK, so not every time is a earth shaking event, but sometimes the smallest things can turn into a very good thing. Recently I went to the gym as I  have to keep my Charles Atlas figure and physique. As I was turning into a lane to find a parking slot a dad carrying a very small child hurried across. Naturally I stopped and no, I did not race my engine (sorry I had to put that in but some of my friends have a strange sense of humor - and you know who you are!) but stopped to let them cross safely.
Then I noticed a young lady, who was herding three very small and precious companions, trying to get them inside to the nursery. The oldest was about three years, dressed for the weather and had on pink boots which had glitter. Now that's my kind of gal. She wanted her boots to be sparkly and they were. She also waved her tiny, gloved hand at me with curled fingers which waggled as she held them toward me. Her smiled lit up the day as she made eye contact. I fell for her with every wiggle. She and her sparkly boots started to march across the lane. One boy, dressed in the smallest ‚Äúsweats" I have ever seen, insisted on walking. It was not obvious that he was old enough to walk at all but he won the discussion and walked. The third had to be carried which was not easy as he seemed to be a handful and a half.  It took only several minutes to cross the lane and head for the stairs. Extending my good luck, there was a parking slot just a few spots down. I got to the front of the building just in time to see them climbing the flight and a half stairs. Sparkly boots  zipped up the steps as she had on magic boots which seem to help her. ‚ÄúShorty" managed just fine, thank you, with no help from the lady as he went down on all fours and speedily crawled up those gigantic 7.5" steps. Watching this took me back in time to my magic time. Yes, I know I am older than dirt but each incident such as this makes me miss having a tiny person around.
That is not the only good thing that happened the first part of this week. Monday night was our beekeepers regular meeting and I had some questions for someone who actually knows what they are doing. I had gotten into one hive and added things and rearranged things and left some food. Wellsir, they were so appreciative they came in in a large group and surrounded me. They even followed me to the patio where I sat waiting for them to get tired and go home. It took awhile but they went home eventually.
As my duty calls, I went to my book job at the Salvation Army where I was fortunate enough to have had a large shipment of books the day before. Those books made it possible for me to do a “makeover" of several shelves in a small amount of time so that was very good. Back at home I wanted to check and see what the bees were doing after my changes. A large crowd of them expressed their desire to be left alone as they said they could handle things. So, at the beekeepers meeting I asked two or three men about this. Naturally, I received three or four answers. Remember these men are very good and very knowledgeable at what they do. They know more right now than I will by the time I get old.
One said I needed a new queen which did not thrill me in the slightest as I was supposed to look in the whole hive to see if there was a queen in there. Have you ever seen pictures of a hive? There are 40 - 60 THOUSAND bees to look through.  Another beekeeper said it was because I had irritated them when the weather was not just right.  He said I should just wait. See! It was serendipity I asked the right person.