Less than a month remains until the Henryetta city council election.
voteCandidates are making sure voters know they are in the running with campaign signs popping up like the spring wildflowers.
City officials are cautioning all candidates to make sure they follow the rules on sign placements since several complaints have already been received.
According to code enforcement officer Jody Agee, signs cannot be placed on city or other governmental or school property. That includes parks and within the roadway rights of way.
“Candidates need to get permission from property owners before putting signs in their yards,” he added. “There have been several cases where those signs are in someone’s yard and have been removed.”
At the same time, campaign signs cannot be attached to utility poles or highway signposts.
State law prohibits signs from being within 300 feet of a polling place on election day. They also cannot be posted on state maintained highways, overpasses and bridges.
If signs are in violation of those restrictions, they will be removed.