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Henryetta’s first ever female state champion wrestler was recognized at the February school board meeting.
febboardMadison Byroads, a freshman, showed board members the trophy she won at the tournament earlier this month in Oklahoma City.
“She worked very hard,” said her coach Dave Hutchins at the board meeting. He pointed out girls wrestling is something< “totally different than boys” and said because she had been wrestling in the OKUSA and OKWWA tournaments, she was more advanced giving her an upper hand at the tournament.
“We are trying to get a uniform girls division set for the state tournament,” he added.
During the meeting, Eric Bledsoe, a partner in the accounting firm of Bledsoe and Hewitt, told board members the school has done a good job in their procedures during the past year.
Giving his annual report, he said the school actually spent $11,919 less than the total dollars received in the past year. “The goal is to live on the amount collected. If you don’t, you have to go into your fund balance.” The school actually saw the carryover fund balance increase from $312,000 to $324,000.
“Overall, the staff does a good job here,” he said.
The school board spent just over 25 minutes behind closed doors before announcing all principals as well as central office staff would be rehired.
They included Kelly Furer in high school, Brad Wion as Middle School principal, Jayme Matlock, elementary and Roger Williams, assistant elementary principals.
Rehired in the central office were: Caroline Barado Activity Fund Clerk, Rick Enis Federal Program/Transportation Director, Tammie Fairres Office Manager and assistant Treasurer, Judy Varner Encumbrance Clerk, Harold Fox Maintenance Director and Bertha McGowin Child Nutrition Director.
Logan Ashley was hired as a paraprofessional for the remainder of the school year.