jiffy mart disc
Jeremy layer 1 Jeremy test layer 2 Jeremy test layer 3

glow golf1Good night vision helped the five-member team of Butch Glover, Wayne Robertson, Tim Buske, Buster and Shange Stogner win first place in the glow golf tournament Saturday night.
They battled through a daylight first nine-hole round then, using special glowing golf balls took the top honors at the Henryetta Golf Course.
A three-way tie for second place went to the teams of Carry Burney, Dutch Bandenborn. B.T. Colby Blondell, Renee Thompson and Stephanie Taylor; Kyle Hefner, Jared Jones, Dickie Jefner, Pete and Gayle Machetta; and Justin Been, Drew Cunningham Tim Hicks, Mike Gizzi and Scott Horton.
There were nine teams competing in the second annual event. Golfers played the first nine holes during the late afternoon hours then took a break for supper. Once the course was sufficiently dark, glow sticks were placed on the flag sticks and the night versions tarted.
Funds from the tournament will be used to help maintain the golf course.


Other tournament photos:
