jiffy mart disc
For 90 minutes Tuesday five of the six Henryetta city council candidates were briefed on municipal operations.
The unprecedented gathering at city hall included mayor Bill Goodner and city manager Candidates attending the meeting were Richard Larney, Darrell Coppedge, Lucy Peoples, Michelle Stremme and Christy Jeffcoat. A sixth candidate, Shannon Scott, was unable to attend and would be briefed later.
candidate1 Ted Graham covering everything from finances to the responsibilities of candidates.
Palling the information a "true reflection of where the city stands," Goodner said it is hoped the candidates would run on a platform of, "what I intend to do for the city and not who is going to get fired."

He warned the candidates that some decisions would be unpopular. "A lot has been accomplished in the last two years and with your involvement and input we can continue to move forward."
Goodner pointed out the duties of a council member under state law Title 11 covering limitations as well as involvement in city personnel.
"The council members may not request the removal of employees," he read. That includes giving orders directly to any city employees.
Any council member failing to abide by the statue is subject to removal from office.
The city manager pointed out his responsibilities is to enforce policies from the council.
When the two successful candidates take office, Graham said one of the first things they will have to face is a $13 million budget.
The budget has to be in place in time for the July 1 start of the fiscal year.
Graham explained the various funds including the restricted funds. Some of those are solely used for equipment purchase and cannot be used for salaries.
He pointed out that monies in those restricted funds are not able to be moved to other accounts.
The candidates were given copies of the city finances as well as a DVD form the Oklahoma Municipal League that deals with council responsibilities.
He told the candidates about several projects the city is involved in.
One of the most contentious is the water plant that is involved in a lawsuit with the engineering firm and contractor.
Graham said some repairs are being made now at a cost of some 4340,000 in order to keep the water plant working.
The city is currently installing new street and stop signs as well as a cleanup of the area along Coal Creek near US 75.
He explained the city has 13 bridges that are inspected by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation.
That has resulted in repairs already completed on West Corporation. Next to be repaired will be one on West Broadway at 14th.
"We have a committee that is looking at the parks." He explained the city is looking at wrk at Nichols park and in the process of installing a splash pad at McCutcheon Park.
Other park work includes updating the camping spots and trying to eliminate the dumping.
"We are doing that with a small number of employees."
He pointed out plans call for the swim beach at Nichols Park to be cleaned up and eventually be open to the public.
Other work includes revamping the transfer station to enable people to bring their trash to it.
"Our goal is to make the city look better."
 Graham told the candidates efforts are underway to obtain new business and there has been contact with some site selectors.
Council member Jennifer Clason asked the candidates what they like and don't like about the city.
The replies included:
Larney: I like the people, I believe in service.
Coppedge: I like the closeness of the community and need to forget about the past and move forward.
Peoples: I like the people. We have the nicest people. She said her pet peeve is the signs
Stremme: I was privileged to be raised here. If I could do anything is to bring back what we were. Talked about families where children had things to do, teen town, skating rink, two theaters, Nichols Lake.
Jeffcoat: I like when I call you get an answer. I don't like the rumors. Don't listen to everything you hear.
About their plans for the future:
Larney: Work with the people to get things going. Talked about lake water clouded up after turnpike went in.
Coppedge: do what i can do make sure public services have what they need. citizens need to have services.
people: we can work together open to each person with problems.
Stremme: would encourage wards to meet on monthly basis.
jeffcoat: there is no reason why we shouldn't grow for years people didn't want things here.
Goodner: if we don't get the citizens involved .
Clason pointed out the problem is few people volunteer to help on every project.
Department heads were on hand to introduce themselves and answer questions about their operations.
the candidates went on a windshield tour of the water plant to see what is being done.