jiffy mart disc
Since January Henryetta has collected $92,158 less in sales taxes than a year ago.
The latest report for July saw the city receive $217,564 in sales tax returns from the state. That was a drop of $17,015 from July a year ago.
That money is based on business from May 16 through June 15. It was the fifth consecutive month of declines in sales tax revenues.
While sales tax numbers are down, the use tax return has shown an increase. This month the town received $13,082 compared with $12,941 a year ago. To date since January, $104,005 has been returned to Henryetta compared with $96,060 for the same period a year ago.
Dewar’s sales tax return also took a drop from the previous July. This year the town got a check for $11,513 compared to the $11,890 last year. This was the fourth consecutive decline in revenue compared to 2016 since January amounting to a loss of $3,807 for the period.
Okmulgee County government received $297,582 in sales tax money, a gain over the $285,633 from July 2016.
Statewide, the sales tax disbursement of $146,492,067 in sales tax collections returned to the cities and towns reflected an increase of $10,292,526 from the $136,199,541 distributed to the cities and towns in July last year.