jiffy mart disc

City council members began the steps needed to tear down four derelict properties around town.
At the Tuesday night council meeting, approval was given to abate the two-story brick structure at 111 and 115 West Trudgeon, a house at 110 East Smith and house at 207 East buildingMain.
The Trudgeon buildings were severely damaged by strong winds last year that completely collapsed the brick wall of the building sending debris and dust into the alley.
City code enforcement officer Jody Agee said the house on Smith has no utilities servicing it and is in a dilapidated condition. He said he had been trying to get the owner to do something about it for several years. The same was said for the house on East Main with Agee telling the council police have been called to the home, “on a regular basis.”
A 60-day hold on abatement for a house at 907 West Moore was approved after the owner said she wants to do the repairs to the structure to bring it back to code. She pointed out there are problems with people living in the home without permission even though there are no utilities and will be asking for police to help evict them.
Steve Sanford, heads up the Nichols Park Restoration committee and told the council he had met the $14,000 goal to go towed rehabilitating the caretaker’s house.
“I’m asking to get started securing it,” he said. Monies will be used to put a new roof, siding and windows on the building. He pointed out he is anxious to get started but it is going to take time. “Lead out time on the windows is 16 weeks,” he said.
What are we going to use the building for,” asked councilor Jana Dugan.
“That is whatever you want to do with it,” Sanford replied. He pointed out it could be used as a welcome center but Mayor Jennifer Munholland said bathroom facilities would be, “a big issue. We will save the house and not be able to use it.”
The project will be on the November council agenda.
Council members approved two events to be held at the civic center within the coming weeks.
The first would be a benefit concert Nov. 6 for the late Clayton Moore. He had asked to hold that at Nichols Park but the park is going to be used for the vintage motorcycle racing during that same period.
Also gaining approval was a request for the Henryetta Historical Society to use the civic center Nov. 20 for a Founder’s Day dinner. Council approved waiting the rental fees.
County commissioner candidate Kathy George-Spears asked to use Nichols Park this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for a fish fry for all residents in District Three. That was approved.
Aaron Martin was appointed to the Henryetta Board of Adjustments for a three-year term.