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Several area civic clubs, school organizations and programs were the beneficiaries as American Exchange Bank presented their annual donations recently.
The Henryetta Cub Scouts were represented by Josh Brittenham picked up a check from Keith Hare.
The Henryetta Education Foundation president James McCullough received the donation from AEB president Terri Thompson.
Members of the Dewar Education Foundation saw their project list helped with the donation check presented by Keith Hare.
Henryetta’s Girl Scouts Little House program was the recipient of a check from Kim Donation to Billie Been.
Librarian Joann Hott represented the Friends of the Henryetta Library when she received the annual donation from Nita Robertson.
The Lions club will be able to do more activities after receiving a check from Corbet Witham.
Each year the bank employees pool their money to help the annual Christmas basket program with Witham presenting that check to Donation.