jiffy mart disc

The ballots are set for the June 28 primary election in Okmulgee County and across Oklahoma.
Only the district 1 county commissioner race will appear before voters since all three candidates are registered republicans.
George Erik Zoellner, Aaron Myers and Barbara Cooks filed by the April 15 deadline date. Zoellner is from Mounds, Myers from Beggs and Cooks, Okmulgee.
The District 3 County Commissioner and county treasurer’s seats will be on the November ballot with one candidate from each party seeking those offices.
District 3 has incumbent Dan Artussee, a democrat, facing Michael Wallace, a republican. Artussee is from Henryetta and Wallace is a Morris resident.
Incumbent Vonna Lampkins, a democrat, will be running against Lindsay Bunch, a republican from Beggs, for the county treasurer’s office.
Edward Johnson, Okmulgee was the lone person filing for the Okmulgee County Assessor’s office.
In addition to local offices, voters will be casting their ballots for a number of federal and state candidates. Those range form U.S. Senator to Governor.


A protest has been filed in the District 1 County commissioner race.
Barbara Cooks filed as a democratic candidate from Beggs. Her candidacy has been challenged by republican Eric Zoellner claiming she had not become a registered voter in the district until April 14, 2022. He says the state requires a person to be registered in the district no later than December 31, 2021.
That challenge is scheduled to be heard in district court Monday, April 28 at 1:30 p.m.

A full list of candidates for those offices can be found HERE.