ministersHenryetta ministers will be asking their flocks to join together at the gazebo south of the civic center May 4 for the National Day of Prayer.
Members of the Henryetta Area Ministerial Alliance met this past week to set up the program that will start at 6 p.m.
The program will include prayers for the government, military, media, business, education, church and families.
It is open to the public and refreshments will be provided following the service.
The National Day of Prayer has its roots dating back to colonial days. In 1775, the Continental Congress issued a proclamation recommending a day of prayer. It was abandoned form 1784 until 1789 then was held sporadically until 1982 when a National Prayer Committee banded together to set a fixed annual day of prayer. In 1988, the first Thursday in May was officially adopted as the National Day of Prayer.
Members of the Ministerial Alliance at the meeting last week included Fr. Robert Duck, St. Michael’s, Mike Burns Tabernacle of Praise, James Paige, Joy In Life, Dale Huckabay, Schulter First Baptist, Myron Baby, evangelist, Marcus Whitworth sr., evangelist, Susie Stephens, Bible teacher and David Sheehan, First United Methodist Church.