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Wilson students were challenged to find a veteran and tell them thanks for their service.
IMG 5360The challenge was issued Tuesday by former Navy man Max Carr at the annual Veterans Day observance.
Speaking to the entire school, Carr pointed to the nearly 20 veterans being honored and said, "when these guys signed their names, they knew they might not return home."
He reminded the students that many of them were still in their teens at that time, the same age as many in the audience.

Speaking of a special video describing the history of the American flag, Carr, who works at the Deep Fork Wildlife refuge, asked one of the veterans how he felt when he sees the flag disrespected. "It breaks my heart," was the reply. He told the students to honor and respect the flag as well.
The program started with a lunch served to the veterans that allowed students to visit with the guests.
At the assembly, Emma Sparkman sang the National Anthem followed by Rebel Grist giving the Pledge of Allegiance. Tawanna Luethje read off a poem then the elementary and kindergarten students sang to the veterans.
Retired Navy officer Bill Goodner addressed the students followed by Hunter Brown presenting a poem.
The program wrapped up with Winnie Cooper singing God Bless the USA and Ally Neep giving the closing prayer.
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