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Even though Henryetta schools are good financially now, board members and administrators are preparing for difficult times ahead.
"We have solidified our financial position," school financial advisor Nancy McKay told the board. She was referring to a projected $200,000 the school will have at the end of this fiscal year.
budget talkThe state is expecting to be in the hole by over $900,000 this year and that number is projected to top $1 billion next year.
"State aid is the school's largest revenue source," McKay said. Because of cost-savings measures this past year she said there should be no impact on school programs.
The school has already lost $154,000 in state aid and there are going to be cuts in other areas. The child nutrition program is expected to lose three percent in state matching money.
"This is not just a Henryetta problem, It affects all schools. We have to start looking at what to do next year. You (the school board) are going to have to make some hard choices and critical decisions. There are some schools that won't make it."
Superintendent Dwayne Noble told the board, "We don't want our patrons to panic or think we are riffing this year. We don't want our people to get upset." He went on to say that administrators are being proactive and planning for different scenarios. "We want to keep cuts away from the teachers."
He went on to say they don't want to take away any programs, increase class sizes or lower staff.
"I have had some teachers approaching me about fundraising," said board member Brandi Brown. "It's nice to know they are paying attention and want to help."
"Everyone should be nervous," Noble said. "We are not in a great position but better than some."
"It's all about saving jobs," He added.
Following an over two hour executive session, the board voted to renew contracts with all principals.
A motion by board member Jeanie Duncan to table voting on high school principal Scott Bein's contract died for a lack of a second. The vote to rehire was unanimous.
Board members also approved a retirement letter from Tim Fowler effective June 1. He is currently the high school math teacher.

See the full school board meeting video here.