jiffy mart disc
Ruby Gooden told members of the Henryetta city council that she wants to continue to chair the Labor Day committee, "until my dying day."
She met with the council Tuesday night telling them she was originally asking for help with part of the celebration and not stepping aside as was stated in a news release from the city earlier this month.
Gooden said she first approached the city after an accident prior to the start of the parade two years ago.
She pointed out that was when she decided to take out insurance and has paid those premiums out of her pocket.
Since then she was told the city could only include the parade under its own insurance policy if it was a city event.
Gooden said she has been involved in the celebration for over 50 years and chaired the event since 1971.
"We all agree that the press release was inaccurate," said councilman Shannon Scott. "I think we should let her (Gooden) revisit with the parks board then come up with a plan acceptable to her."
"No one is asking you to give it up," mayor Jennifer Clason told her. "We are asking you to be a part of it with the parks and recreation and tourism board. The city can help and take it a lot further. Let the city take over doing the event, you chair it and tell us what to do."
Gooden said she would like the city to take care of getting vendors and handle the horseshoe contest. "I can't get people to get involved."
"You tell us what we need to do but we can't do pieces. It has to be a city event," Clason replied.
Following the 30-minute discussion, Gooden agreed to meet with the parks and recreation board at their February meeting. That meeting will be held at noon Feb. 8 at city hall.