jiffy mart disc
A day of kindness and aid by a Henryetta boy was recognized Friday when July 8, 2016 was proclaimed as "Daniel Cox Day" in Henryetta.
kid procCox was the guest of honor Friday when mayor Jennifer Clason read off the proclamation at city hall.
in June, Cox met "The Walking Veteran," Thomas Wayne Hudson, when he came through town on a journey from Las Vegas to Washington, D.C.
Hudson is taking the pilgrimage in an effort to highlight the problems veterans face with the Veterans Administration.
The former Marine is planning to conclude his walk with a rally at the Capitol Nov. 11.
While he was in town, Cox saw Hudson walking and provided him with water and even helping him fix a flat on the wagon that carried Hudson's supplies and equipment.
The proclamation recognizes the young care-giver for his efforts to render, "the city of Henryetta in a very favorable manner," and, "personified the greatness of the people of Henryetta."