jiffy mart disc
Only a few days remain before the annual Henryetta Jim Shoulders Living Legends Rodeo and chamber officials are getting ready to make it one of the best celebrations yet.
gizmo rodeo clownThe rodeo will be held Sept. 3 and 4 at Nichols Park and will be featuring some of the top riders and ropers from the region.
Adding to the fun will be "Gizmo" McCracken. He has been selected as the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association’s (PRCA’s) “Comedy Act of the Year” over multiple years. A performer at some of the largest rodeo venues including the Wrangler National Finals rodeo and the Cheyenne Frontier Days, McCracken provides high energy and family friendly entertainment.
Tickets to the rodeo are $10 for adults and $5 for children from 6 to 12 years of age. Presale tickets giving a $2 discount are on sale at Paul’s Western Store, Hiatt Window and Glass, Coalton Shavings and Feed, and Jiffy Mart.
Performances start each evening at 8 p.m.
The chamber is also looking for volunteers to help man the gate as well as concession stand each evening. Anyone interested should contact the chamber at 415 West Main or call 918-652-3331.