 The old 45th Infantry armory building in Henryetta has a new name.
Thursday afternoon special ceremonies were held naming the building the Chief David Bullard Fire Department Building.
Bullard, who has been fire chief for the past five years, initiated the efforts to get the building turned over to the city.
That happened just over two years ago and, since then, environmental workers have been clearing out asbestos and other hazardous material.
Since December, the fire department has been operating out of the new home.
Mayor Bill Goodner named the building after Bullard as part of a proclamation  read by Goodner before members of the fire department, city employees and friends and family.
The citation points out the fire station, "would never have been converted into a fire station without Chief Bullard's oversight."
Bullard said the work was not from just one person's work.
"I have 11 firefighters and two retired firefighters who had a hand in it."
The move from the city hall location was made to give firemen more room. Since the 1970s, the fire department had been at the Fourth and Broadway site.
Much of the work within the building was through the efforts of firemen who spent evenings and weekends painting, laying tile, building walls and moving equipment.
An unused kitchen facility, abandoned by the national guard for some 25 years, was rehabilitated, old cabinets restrained and put back in service.
Firemen took one large training room and set up walls to provide sleeping quarters for the various shifts.
The entire area sits on a large parcel of ground on Robertson Highway that was originally designated as Legget Park. When it was built, the armory cost $90,000.
