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The Anne Moroney Youth Services facility in Okmulgee is 30 years old.
youth services facilityLocated at 1950 N Okmulgee Ave North Okmulgee Avenue, just north of the Okmulgee County Fairgrounds, it opened in November 1987. The building, originally designed as an emergency shelter, now houses ten full-time and seven part-time staff who are dedicated to helping the youth of Okmulgee and Okfuskee Counties.
The facility is named after former Okmulgee County District Judge, Anne Moroney. She was appointed as Okmulgee County’s Special Judge in 1971 and as an Okmulgee County Associate Judge in 1978. In 1986 she was elected as District Judge in 1986 and served until her retirement in 1994. Her picture hangs in the agency’s front office as she was one of the agency’s founding board members in 1975. Moroney remained an active Board member well into her late 90’s and was an honorary board member when she passed away at the age of 101 on June 27, 2010.
At times Judge Anne’s picture sparks a memory from someone passing through the office. She is remembered as a firm, maybe at times even stern, yet fair and compassionate person who wanted what was best for all youth and their families.
The Board and staff of Anne Moroney Youth Services strives to uphold her legacy through its services.
To celebrate the 30th anniversary, the Board and staff of Anne Moroney Youth Services will be holding an open house from 6 to 8 p.m., Monday, November 27, 2017. The public is invited to attend and meet the Board and staff that spend so much of their time helping the young people of Okmulgee and Okfuskee Counties.
Services available include Counseling - individual and family; the 1-Eighty and the Strengthening Families Programs – youth and family problem solving; the Graduated Sanctions Program – Community and School – youth accountability; and School Based Prevention Education Classes – Character Counts!, Steps To Respect, Positive Action and Botvin LifeSkills Training.
For more information about the programs and services offered at Anne Moroney Youth Services, please call 918-756-7700.