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Even though the students and teachers were gone on spring break, Henryetta school board members were all present Monday night.
At the short, just under 16 minutes, board members paid their bills and congratulated members of the power lifting and wrestling teams and FFA members for their performances in recent weeks.
The biggest news came from superintendent Dwayne Noble who told the board Leslie Jones has declined the position of high school principal.
She was named to that post at a special meeting last week. Noble said she would remain as assistant elementary principal.
He told the board the search for a replacement for retiring principal Kelly Furer would start again. Furer announced her retirement effective June 30.
Going through the bills, board members were told that teachers are starting to spend the grant monies from the Henryetta Educational Foundation. “If you see something odd in the coming bills that’s what those are,” said Noble.
He predicted the school should have a healthy carryover of funds when the school year ends.
Fundraising requests for t-shirt sales for the elementary and high school track organizations were approved. The high school track fundraiser is to get shirts for the upcoming alumni track meet.
Board members contracted with Bledsoe, Hewett and Gullekson to perform the annual audit. Noble said the school has had no difficulties for several years as a result of the audits.