jiffy mart disc
diabetes summit logoThe Muscogee (Creek) Nation Department of Health and Dewar Creek Indian Community will hold the ninth annual MCN Citizens’ Diabetes Awareness Summit will be held Thursday, Aug. 27 at First Baptist Church in Okmulgee.
“This exciting and informative conference will focus on finding ways to stop the rapid spread of one of the world’s most damaging, costly and preventable diseases, type 2 diabetes,” MCNDH Exercise Programs Manager Duane Meadows said.
Harold Hamm Diabetes Center Educators will provide the conference presentations.
The conference will cover the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes, controlling, prevention and treatment of diabetes, nutrition and exercise tips.
The summit is free and is geared toward Muscogee (Creek) citizens. Limited seating will be available for spouses of citizens and other tribal citizens. There are no accommodations for children.
More information about the ninth annual MCN Citizens’ Diabetes Awareness Summit is available at MCNDH clinics, MCN community centers, or contact Duane Meadows at: 918-695-1325, or William Fixico at: 918-637-9683.