ITEM #1: Discuss/Act on approval of Consent Agenda:
A. Financial Reports for December, 2024.
B. Minutes of meeting held in December, 2024.
C. Claims for the month of December, 2024.
ITEM #2: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to Bank of Oklahoma in the amount of $40,023.88 for 2015 Note Series monthly payment.
ITEM #3: Discuss/Act on approval of payment to AEP/PSO in the amount of $23,823.86.
ITEM #4: Discuss/Act to approve 2024 State Aid Agreement for Henryetta Public Library.
ITME #5: Discuss/Act on approval of Right of Way Access Agreement between the City of Henryetta and Dobson Technologies, Inc.
ITEM #6: Discuss/Act to reappoint Jill Francis to the Henryetta Planning & Zoning Board.
ITEM #7: Discuss/Act to reappoint Jason Lilly to the Henryetta Planning & Zoning Board.
ITEM #8: Discuss/Act to reappoint Kenny Berry to the Henryetta Planning & Zoning Board.
ITEM #9: Discuss/Act on recommendation by Henryetta Parks, Recreation & Tourism Board to allow the Chamber of Commerce to use Nichols Park for the Jim Shoulders Rodeo on August 30 and August 31, 2025.
ITEM #10: Discuss/Act on recommendation by Henryetta Parks, Recreation & Tourism Board to approve (Option #2) for advertisement in the Focus Magazine featuring tourism in Henryetta. (To be paid out of the Hotel/Motel Tax).
ITEM #11: Discuss/Act on recommendation by Henryetta Parks, Recreation & Tourism Board to allow Tulledega Events, Inc. to use the Gazebo Park for the Hallmark Christmas Event on December 5th and 6th, 2025.
ITEM #12: Discussion by Randall Fuller regarding the abated property located at 405 N 11th Street.
ITEM #13: Discussion by Monique Williams regarding the abated property located at 417 East Gum Street.
ITEM #14: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 206 E Scott Street (Lake Drive Acres Henryetta W 50’ of that PT Lot 12 Lying S of I-40 & W 50’ Of Lot 13 & All Lot 14 BLK 3 – Remainder of BLK 3 in HYA TWP) owned by Katherine Valle & Sir Pharoah Henley. (Council approved 90 days extension for owner to clean site at October 15, 2024 Meeting)
ITEM #15: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 901 W Cummings (Browns Henryetta Lot 1 Block 8) owned by Jeremy Scott & Joyce Moore. (Council allowed 60 day extension to make significant improvements at November 19, 2024 Meeting)
ITEM #16: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 1604 W Broadway (Glendale Henryetta Lots 20 To & INCL 22 BLK 11) owned by Sheila Christian & Megan Austin.
ITEM #17: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 902 ½ W Broadway (Keys 1 Henryetta E 20’of N 54’ LT 10 & N 54’ LTS 11 & 12 BLK4) owned by Baldridge Apartment Rentals.
ITEM #18: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at 702 Genevieve (Wilson Henryetta LTS 16 To & INCL 20 & LTS 25 To & INCL 37 BLK 7) owned by Shirley Wilson.
ITEM #19: Discuss/Act on approval of abatement of property located at Center Street (Warden Camp Henryetta LTS 36 To & INCL 39) owned by Elige Brown.
ITEM #20: Discuss/Act on approval of City Manager’s Report.
ITEM #21: Discuss/Act on new business.
ITEM #22: Council-member Comments.
ITEM #23: Adjourn.